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EXERCYCLE, S.L. with registered office at Calle Zurrupitieta, 22, 01015 Vitoria (Spain), is owner of the internet domain: and the party responsible for the processing of the personal data submitted by users via this website.

At Exercycle, S.L. we are committed to ensuring that your personal information is protected and not used inappropriately.

In this document, we will explain who is responsible for this processing, the purpose for which your personal information will be processed, the legitimacy for the treatment, how we collect the data, why we collect it, how we use it, your rights and we also explain the processes that we have implemented to protect your privacy.

By providing us with your personal information and using our websites, we understand that you have read and understood these terms related with the information on the protection of personal data. At Exercycle, S.L. we assume the responsibility of complying with current legislation on national and European data protection, and we aim to process your data in a lawful, loyal and transparent manner.



According to the current legislation, this is the natural or legal person who, alone or acting with others, determines the purposes and means for the processing.

Exercycle, S.L. is the party responsible for the processing of the personal information that it gathers from its clients. The contact is: You can exercise your rights by contacting us at the following email address: attaching a photocopy and/or scanned copy of your national identity card.



The main reason that we collect your personal information is that it is necessary in order to manage your order.

With your authorisation, your data may also be used so that we can send you publicity regarding products and services from Exercycle, S.L.; through all available channels (including electronic means); of a general nature or adapted to your personal characteristics according to your interests, by developing a commercial profile based on the information provided and through automated processing. Equally, said information may be used to perform market studies.



In order to process your personal information, we base ourselves on legal grounds for several reasons:

  1. To fulfil a contract and/or commercial relationship.
  2. With your consent, for example, to send customised offers for the products and services of Exercycle, S.L.



You should be aware that, in some cases, it is necessary to transfer your data to third parties that provide associated services, such as technical services, for example.

In all cases, Exercycle, S.L. assumes responsibility for the personal information that you provide us with, and we ask the companies with whom we share your personal information to apply the same level of information protection as we do.

Equally, your personal information will be made available to public administrations, Judges and Courts, to resolve any possible responsibilities arising from the processing.

With your authorisation, your personal data may be used to create commercial profiles through automated processing in order to perform commercial actions adapted to your personal characteristics, as well as to carry out market studies.



EXERCYCLE, S.L. has no plans to transfer data to third countries. The personal information that we gather stays in Spain.


You have the right to have control over the personal information that we collect, and we subsequently also make sure that it is accurate and true. Therefore, you have the right to access your personal information, as well as to request the rectification of inaccurate data or, where appropriate, request its deletion when, among other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected.

In certain circumstances, and for reasons related with your particular situation, you may oppose the processing of your data. Your personal information will stop being processed for the purposes for which you have expressed your opposition. In the same way, you can exercise the right to limit the processing of your personal information, requesting that we preserve it. In certain circumstances, you can request the portability of your data to another responsible party.

You can exercise your rights at no cost and will receive a response within the deadlines stipulated by current legislation on data protection, being able to choose from the following means:

  1. By written and signed request addressed to Exercycle, S.L., at Calle Zurrupitieta, 22, 01015 – Vitoria (Protección de Datos), attaching a photocopy of your national identity card. If you have already provided an email address or addresses, you will need to provide us with the same ones.
  2. Sending a request together with a photocopy and/or scanned copy of your national identity card to the email address:

You may file a claim before the Spanish Agency for Data Protection, especially when you are dissatisfied with the response to the exercising of your rights, for more details, visit the website



You can change the way that we contact you in the following ways:

  1. By sending a written and signed request to EXERCYCLE, S.L., at Calle Zurrupitieta, 22, 01015 – Vitoria (Departamento de Protección de datos), attaching a photocopy of your national identity card. If you have already provided an email address or addresses, you will need to provide us with the same ones.
  2. Sending a request together with a photocopy and/or scanned copy of your national identity card to the email address:


Your personal information is only stored for as long as we need for the purpose for which it was collected, and according to the legal basis for its processing in accordance with the applicable legislation. We will keep your personal information as long as we have a contractual and/or commercial relationship with you, or as long as you do not exercise your right to delete, cancel and/or limit the processing of your data.

In these cases, we will keep the information duly blocked, without using it for any purpose, as long as it may be necessary in order to exercise or defend claims or any type of judicial, legal or contractual responsibility that may arise from its treatment, which must be dealt with and for which recovery of said data is necessary. Under no circumstances will your data be kept for more than 10 years from the completion of the contractual and/or commercial relationship, mandatory retention period established by Law 10/2010, of the 28th of April, on the prevention of money laundering and the financing of terrorism.



EXERCYCLE, S.L. agrees to protect your personal information. We use the appropriate technical and organisational measures in order to protect your personal information and privacy, and we review these measures periodically. We protect your personal information using a combination of both physical and computer or logical security controls, including access controls that restrict and manage the way your personal information and personal data are processed, administered and managed. We also ensure that our employees are properly qualified to protect your personal information. In compliance with our procedures, we may require proof of identity before sharing your personal information with you.

In accordance with our guarantee of security and confidentiality, we are especially interested in offering you the highest level of security and protecting the confidentiality of the personal information that you provide us with. For this reason, commercial transactions are carried out in a secure server environment under protocol SSL (Secure Socket Layer).

If at any time you experience problems accessing any part of our website, this may be due to the model or version of your browser or the configuration of its settings. If you require any assistance in resolving this issue or if you have any questions regarding the operation of our purchasing system, call us on 945 29 02 58. We will be delighted to assist you.

The Internet is a means of communication and also a new medium that makes it possible to complete commercial transactions through the network. Subsequently, one of the main concerns for users of the Internet is the security of the data within the network.

The entire process of carrying out a commercial agreement, including contact between both parties: client and company, is understood as an Electronic Commerce transaction. The features that must be achieved by every commercial transaction are:

  1. Authentication guaranteeing the legal or physical personality with whom we communicate.
  2. Integrity, that is, that the content of the communication between both parties cannot be modified.
  3. Confidentiality, consisting in the guarantee that no unauthorised person can find out the content of the communication



The website EXERCYCLE, S.L., its applications and products are not generally aimed at minors. Therefore, we do not knowingly collect personal information from minors, except with the authorisation of their parent or guardian.

If you are a minor, please do not attempt to register as a user of our website, applications or products. If we find that we have mistakenly obtained personal information from a minor, we will delete said information as soon as possible.



EXERCYCLE, S.L. advises our clients to take the following precautions:

  • Do not tell anybody your username or password.
  • Do not write it down anywhere that is easy to access: computer, diary.
  • Always use our SSL security system.
  • Always log out of the browser session after accessing a security area or entering your username or password.


EXERCYCLE, S.L. reviews and updates its data protection information at least once a year or when there are changes in the legislation or in any of the procedures for processing your personal information, indicating the date of the last update, content and date.

If we have your email address or mobile phone number, we will also send you an email or SMS with information regarding these changes. If necessary, we will renew your consent to confirm that you agree to these changes.

This website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service provided by Google Inc., a Delaware corporation with its head office at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View (California), CA 94043, United States of America ("Google").

This information on data protection was reviewed and updated for the last time in July, 2020.